EPSY 5601 Honors Midterm Study Guide

EPSY 5601 Honors Section: Study Guide for the First Test
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Research Designs (2 questions)
Given a study description, identify which of the following research designs was used: Correlational, Historical, Qualitative, Single Subject, Action, and Content Analysis Design

Ethics (2 questions)
Understand informed consent and when it is required
Understand rules governing deception

Single Subject Design (4 questions)
Interpret a single subject design graph and its components
Understand the various single subject designs (e.g.. ABA)

Historical Research (2 questions)
Differentiate between primary and secondary sources
Differentiate between internal and external criticism

Qualitative Research (5 questions)
Apply the following terms: key informant, member check, peer debriefing, gate keeper, data saturation, audit check, triangulation, snowballing, grand tour questions, and rich-thick descriptions
Differing between the five types of qualitative research: ethnography, narrative, phenomenological, grounded theory, and case study

Correlation (8 questions)
Use Excel to calculate Pearson’s r
Understand the strength and direction of a correlation
Interpret scatterplots
Write null, alternative, and research answer (like homework)
Interpret data presented on a correlation table

Survey Research (2 questions)
Cross-sectional, longitudinal (panel, cohort, trend)

Sampling (7 questions)
Understand the importance, bias, and steps in sampling
Identify simple random, stratified random, systematic, and cluster random sampling
Use a random number table
Determine sample size (use
Sample Size Calculator website)
Determine confidence interval (use Sample Size Calculator website)

Measurement Scales (2 questions)
Distinguish between nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio measurement scales